Tweeting the Western Albemarle Redistricting Meeting – 12-11-12

Click through to read the @Storify I just put together curating a lot of the tweets from last night’s meeting.

Once again, Kelly has provided an excellent summary from her side of the table

Quick recap of last night’s public comment session as seen from “behind the table”. Overall, it was great to see such a huge turnout, not just from the MLS community but from all areas of the western feeder pattern. Most of the comments were thoughtful, well-informed, and led to a consistent narrative: growth in the far western part of the County must be addressed through comprehensive long-term planning and investment in education facilities, rather than continued reliance on redistricting measures.

??A couple of key phrases that stuck with me were “Look Again” (thanks, BES!), “No Compelling Reason”, and “Community Schools Should Grow With the Communities They’re In”. These comments really encapsulate how it seems most folks feel about the leadership (or lack thereof) from the BOS regarding school funding. ?
It was beyond clear that small, piecemeal redistricting measures (and, in fact, the idea of using redistricting as a first solution in general), is not seen as an effective long-term solution. ?

?The issue of a cost-benefit analysis was alluded to multiple times, and it’s clear that western feeder pattern families take exception to the any notion that redistricting (often called a “shell game”) and its associated costs (in terms of community/excessive transition for kids/transportation issues/potential loss of staffing resources at the school level) are so high as to overshadow any perceived (and likely, short-term) benefit. It was also mentioned that a move of children out of MLS to Murray or Crozet would effectively eliminate additional seats that may be needed in future years to deal with growth at Brownsville. ?

?Investment doesn’t necessarily mean taxes should be raised, however. There were many mentions of the CIP, and how this guiding document should be reanalyzed, and perhaps, reprioritized to deal with emerging needs in the west. There were multiple calls for funding for expansions at Crozet Elementary, WAHS, and Henley Middle School. I hope this is simply a starting point for getting many more of us informed and opinionated about the CIP priority. The time is now to continue to have your voice heard.?

?We also heard several folks touch on the need to address the modernization project at Red Hill Elementary as a matter of fundamental fairness. I think it goes without saying that this project should be completed without regard to other growth area issues, as it speaks directly to the overall ACPS goal of providing a “world class education” to all students. ?

?And finally, a bit of editorializing: The many kind remarks to the volunteer members of the committee were also noted, and appreciated. On behalf of the committee, I’d like to thank the many interested parents who’ve jumped in to this discussion, gotten themselves informed and involved, especially at a busy holiday time of year. I’d also like to reiterate my appreciation for the responsive, professional manner in which all of the local school Principals, Josh Davis, Matt Haas, and the entire ACPS staff have led this process. Our leadership core–of both staff and parent volunteers–is strong and I feel more confident than ever that this process is just the start of a new era of school planning and focus in western Albemarle. Please, please, stay involved–This is a long-term discussion that will take all of us!

Western Albemarle Redistricting Meeting – 12-11-12

These aren’t all the tweets from the Western Albemarle redistricting meeting at Meriwether Lewis Elementary School last night, but they are quite a few … I tweeted mostly from @RealCrozetVA as it’s a Western Albemarle issue, but threw some real estate related and relevant tweets in from @JimDuncan

Storified by Jim Duncan · Wed, Dec 12 2012 04:04:11

Crozet is going to grow. A lot. Duh. Why is that so hard to understand? And then plan for? #westalbRDrealcrozetva
In my opinion, MLS & Murray shouldn’t be in this conversation. Growth is in Crozet. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I have to say: tweeting of tonight’s meeting was pretty successful with the #westalbRD Could not be done with Google plus or Facebook.Jim Duncan
@realcrozetva thanks for coming tonight! #westalbRDLaurel Geis
Thanks very much to @realcrozetva @JimDuncan @jasonsee @ABrement @dp_Albemarle for the #westalbRD tweets.Jane B Kulow
@realcrozetva but they are thinking of movingMLS and Murray kids to accommodate for failed #Crozet planning #westalbRDHeather McManamay
@jasonsee yeah, it’s called Brownsville #westalbRDMichael Gallagher
“@jasonsee: Holy crap. I’ve got a kid that will graduate at WAHS in 2028. Man, I’m old. #westalbRD” HOLY CRAP!!!! You are old.David Whorton
@jasonsee people have lived here their entire life. Stability is very important for many of those families. #westalbRDHeather McManamay
@jasonsee @jimduncan @marybethbowen why should starr hill be involved with #westalbRD?Heather McManamay
RT – thats us “@jasonsee: Parent with special needs kid pleading for no redistricting. Honest/heart-wrenching. #westalbRD #autismspectrum”ahnasee
RT @realcrozetva: In my opinion, MLS & Murray shouldn’t be in this conversation. Growth is in Crozet. #westalbRDRyan
@dp_Albemarle a relevant post @k12albemarle #westalbRDJim Duncan
RT @JimDuncan: I have to say: tweeting of tonight’s meeting was pretty successful with the #westalbRD Could not be done with Google plus or Facebook.realcrozetva
I have to say: tweeting of tonight’s meeting was pretty successful with the #westalbRD Could not be done with Google plus or Facebook.Jim Duncan
@vamccue Maybe not right now, but eventually. Old Trail will have well more than 2000 homes. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I can understand parents of special needs kids and how hard it is to get adjusted to a new school. That is the painful part #westalbRDjasonsee
Parent with special needs kid pleading for no redistricting. Honest and heart-wrenching. #westalbRD #autismspectrumjasonsee
“@jasonsee: +1000 for the guy saying "what they said". #westalbRD” [yes!]Jim Duncan
RT @realcrozetva: In my opinion, MLS & Murray shouldn’t be in this conversation. Growth is in Crozet. #westalbRDMary Beth Bowen
+1000 for the guy saying "what they said". #westalbRDjasonsee
Speaker apologizing for speaking; thought she was signing a sign-in book. 🙂 honest. Thoughtful #lovethat #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I think tonight was 80% MLS parents, 10% Old Trail parents, 5% Red Hill and 5% for Grayrock/Southern Crozet Ave/Western Rdg #westalbRDjasonsee
In my opinion, MLS & Murray shouldn’t be in this conversation. Growth is in Crozet. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
RT @realcrozetva: Guy says his neighborhood values will drop by 20% if he’s redistricted … #westalbRDJane Maples
RT @jasonsee: Are those train tracks that dangerous in West Leigh neighborhood? I haven’t heard of any accidents there. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I think I have about 15 minutes left before I can’t take anymore … #westalbRD and I blocked someone in.realcrozetva
Are those train tracks that dangerous in West Leigh neighborhood? I haven’t heard of any accidents there. #westalbRDjasonsee
Guy says his neighborhood values will drop by 20% if he’s redistricted … #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Jen Breyerton of Charlottesville Family recalls her daughter seeing the fatal wreck at Tilman/Ivy. Horrible. #westalbRDjasonsee
There’s a reason I tell my clients that there is no way to be assured they’ll be in X school district unless it’s private. #westalbRDJim Duncan
RT @ABrement: Consensus… Scrap non issue redistricting at Merriweather and focus on Crozet growth plan. #westalbRDErica Thorsen Payne
“Redistricting is damaging.” On so many levels. I wonder if redistricting would be often used if vouchers were an option. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
The challenge is paying for any/all of these suggestions. Property taxes alone won’t cut it. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Going over the two minute limit is disrespectful. Said respectfully. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
RT @jasonsee: When Old Trail is fully built, there’s going to be enough kids to fill their own school. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
RT @jasonsee: Oh boy law professor busting chops on railroad crossings for West Leigh neighborhood. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Oh boy law professor busting chops on railroad crossings for West Leigh neighborhood. #westalbRDjasonsee
When Old Trail is fully built, there’s going to be enough kids to fill their own school. #westalbRDjasonsee
@realcrozetva thank you for tweeting along with @ABrement @jasonsee @Marybethbowen #westalbRDNed L. Gallaway
Love that old trail speaker said that he bought a bike as soon as he moved to old Trail. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
RT @realcrozetva: Old trail parent saying don’t split our ‘hood. We have sidewalks and trails. Our kids walk to school. #westalbRDAaron Richardson
You can still ride a bike from Old Trail to Crozet elem thanks to those new bike lanes on Jarmans Gap. #westalbRDjasonsee
I’d love to see more than 3 kids walking to school in old trail. I see them getting on & off bus at Trailside #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I can appreciate the Old Trail story, but that’s one huuuuge neighborhood and its not even completed yet. #westalbRDjasonsee
Man from old trail advocating for the human element and common sense. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
@realcrozetva but they don’t. Drive through there in the morning and see how many kids are waiting at bus stops. #westalbRDjasonsee
Old trail will have to be split eventually. It will simply be too big. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Old trail parent saying don’t split our ‘hood. We have sidewalks and trails. Our kids walk to school. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
@realcrozetva ditto! Although it would require sidewalks or better walking at least through Old Trail. #westalbRDjasonsee
Consensus… Scrap non issue redistricting at Merriweather and focus on Crozet growth plan. #westalbRDAngie Brement
Yes! Supporter of walkability to Henley and Western. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Holding pattern 22 vs. redistricting 0 #westalbRDjasonsee
@Ned4schoolboard glad you are listening and that Eric is here. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Brownsville parents are (weakly) implementing a tactic Western used years ago – holding up papers to show support for speaker. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I wish people would just start standing and saying "what she said" rather than us hearing the same things over and over again #westalbRDMary Beth Bowen
“@crozetbulldogs: Should adopt a “ditto” system if you are agreeing with the first 27 people #westalbRD” [yes! Can’t retweet enough]realcrozetva
Yes! Do it! RT @realcrozetva: Tempted to talk in support of redistricting MLS just to get a rise out of folks. #westalbRD :)Angie Brement
@jasonsee the shocker (not really) is that gov’t failed to see this coming. #westalbRDJim Duncan
RT @jasonsee: Planned growth = more kids = stress on school system. Failing to see why this is a shocker. #westalbRDJim Duncan
Should adopt a "ditto" system if you are agreeing with the first 27 people #westalbRDanne.d
Planned growth = more kids = stress on school system. Failing to see why this is a shocker. #westalbRDjasonsee
Tempted to talk in support of redistricting MLS just to get a rise out of folks. #westalbRD :)realcrozetva
Holy crap. I’ve got a kid that will graduate at WAHS in 2028. Man, I’m old. #westalbRDjasonsee
RT @jasonsee: "Nothing’s broken. Stop trying to fix things" — summary of this evening. #westalbRDRyan
RT @jasonsee: "Nothing’s broken. Stop trying to fix things" — summary of this evening. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
RT @realcrozetva: Crozet is going to grow. A lot. Duh. Why is that so hard to understand? And then plan for? #westalbRDRyan
Kudos to the Meriwether Lewis parents/community for such efficient & successful organizing. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Hearing a lot of support for no change at Meriwether Lewis #westalbRDMary Beth Bowen
"Nothing’s broken. Stop trying to fix things" — summary of this evening. #westalbRDjasonsee
RT @realcrozetva: Crozet is going to grow. A lot. Duh. Why is that so hard to understand? And then plan for? #westalbRDJim Duncan
Crozet is going to grow. A lot. Duh. Why is that so hard to understand? And then plan for? #westalbRDrealcrozetva
@realcrozetva child care? Seriously? Nice. #westalbRDjasonsee
Whoever thought to have child care at this meeting should be lauded for facilitating public involvement. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
I’m amazed that people will move literally 5 mins down the road just to stay at a specific school #westalbRDjasonsee
The county’s not planning & budgeting for growth area growth – infrastructure, schools, etc is the height of irresponsibility #westalbRDrealcrozetva
“@jasonsee: At least they’re keeping to the 2-min rule #westalbRD” [mostly]realcrozetva
At least they’re keeping to the 2-min rule #westalbRDjasonsee
Redistricting MLS would be redistricting the very name sake of this school. Zing! #westalbRDjasonsee
We moved here *specifically* for the school system. Schools matter. #westalbRDJim Duncan
RT @ABrement: Board will not be making any decisions on movement at Crozet or Brownsville this round. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
@dp_Albemarle glad you’re here. 🙂 #westalbRDrealcrozetva
All these are going to be NIMBY aren’t they? #westalbRDjasonsee
Board will not be making any decisions on movement at Crozet or Brownsville this round. #westalbRDAngie Brement
RT @jasonsee: @JimDuncan @MaryBethBowen I’mcool with #westalbRD – it’d be nicer if Starr Hill sponsored this.realcrozetva
RT @realcrozetva: 73 speakers signed up to speak. Good lord. #westalbRD god help @CBS19 folks here. :)jasonsee
73 speakers signed up to speak. Good lord. #westalbRD god help @CBS19 folks here. :)realcrozetva
@JimDuncan @MaryBethBowen I’mcool with #westalbRD – it’d be nicer if Starr Hill sponsored this.jasonsee
The self-satisfied smiles from many in audience, when Red Hill’s antiquated facilities were mentioned, are disgusting. #westalbRDrealcrozetva
Nice to see Eric Strucko here. Any other school board members here? #westalbRD (how’s that hashtag?)realcrozetva

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