100 Seat Restaurant Coming to 240/250 Intersection?

Read the entire letter from the prospective developers to the Crozet community

Our goal is to restore a 100 seat restaurant to the former building site, thereby transforming this highly visible piece of property into both an attractive landmark, consistent with the ‘look and feel’ of the setting, as well to add a productive element to the commercial tax base.

While the proposed restaurant use is allowed by-right, a Special Use Permit is required for water usage in excess of 566 gallons per day (or 400 gallons per site acre per day). As part of the SP application process, we commissioned a detailed and professional assessment of the potential groundwater capacity in the vicinity of the parcel. The key findings of this report were as follows:

The entire letter is here (pdf) and the referenced groundwater study is here.

I assume the traffic study is public … need to get a hold of that. I misread … there is no traffic study required by VDOT.

Good discussion at the accompanying Facebook post.

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