Crozet Schools Redistricting update

Via Schoolmatters.

Boundary Adjustments – The first phase of adjustments will examine different options for moving students from Crozet Elementary to Brownsville Elementary for the fall of 2009. Staff is currently reviewing 5-year projections, numbers of students at each grade level, current location of students, and predicted growth to develop viable options to be presented to the community in May. After the community presentation. a web-site will be developed to receive input through the summer. Staff will then consider the input, look at September 30th enrollment numbers, and finalize options to be brought forward to the Superintendent and ultimately to the School Board.

Over the next year, staff will toke (sic) a comprehensive look at capacity, projected enrollment numbers, and anticipated growth to address capacity issues for the entire Division. Topics of discussion will include the current structure of K-5, 6-8, and 9-12, assumptions regarding feeder patterns, and routing of buses.

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2 Replies to “Crozet Schools Redistricting update”

  1. Is it possible to use the newer section of the old Crozet Elementary school for grades 4-5 and use the newer school for k-3, using the same principal and vice principal to cover both schools? What are the concerns with that building? It seems we are just waiting for the old school to be vandalized. What a waste!

  2. Regarding plans for the Old School, the County is looking into this right now. There will be a public meeting to gather feedback in June, at a date still to be announced. if you have ideas, make sure to attend or to otherwise let them know. We have a real opportunity here – the more of us who participate in the planning process, the better the chance that the County will pay attention.

    Details (& links) about the plans for Crozet are on the County website here –

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