Crozet Fireworks Canceled

Via twitter:

#Crozet Fireworks are cancelled for tonight. Organizer says Fire Marshall won’t issue a permit due to safety concerns.

Apparently the Fire Marshall “feels Park not safe venue & fire departments already maxed out.”

While this sucks, it doesn’t take away from the tireless work all those put forth in trying to put on this celebration. Thank you!

And via email:

“Just wanted to confirm that the fireworks are cancelled, not to be re-scheduled.

The fire marshall won’t issue a permit for safety reasons – make sense. Crozet Park is not a safe venue
and the fire and rescue departments are maxed out and have been for days.

We really appreciate your willingness to participate. We’ll be in touch in 9 months
to start planning for the 2013 Crozet Independence Day celebration.

Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns. “

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