April 2024 CCAC Recap – Lots of Questions, Few Answers

The CCAC meeting on 10 April 2024 was an open house at Brownsville.

Spend some time going through the slides. The transportation section is particularly interesting.

A few highlights:

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4 Replies to “April 2024 CCAC Recap – Lots of Questions, Few Answers”

  1. Listening to the discussion of P3 funding for the Eastern Ave/250 Connector was like being in a snow storm. Link to P3 transportation projects in VA: https://p3.virginia.gov/projects/
    None of these are remotely similar to the Connector. There isn’t a private entity that can benefit from the project by collecting tolls or gaining a long-term contract for services. The developer already has sold over 500 homes so no point in partnering now. The Board of Supervisors will apply the same priority ranking criteria to fund the Connector that VDOT uses for SmartScale, so even if P3 can “get it for us wholesale”, the BOS won’t fund $20 million or more for a road that doesn’t go to a school, hospital, major employer, or airport. The P3 discussion is just a stalking horse designed to buy time to approve Oak Bluff, another maximum density project in East Crozet where transportation projects are unrealistic and unfunded.

  2. Sounds like Same Old Same Old…
    Bike and pedestrian ways aren’t going to thin much traffic. A reliable local transit option just might…say six TONY type 6-pak carts constantly moving between the neighborhoods and Old Crozet…

    1. Same old same old – agreed.

      Bike and pedestrians – absolutely would affect traffic, if people would choose to get out of their cars. Trips under 3 miles could easily be made on bikes, and under ~1 miles easily on foot.

      People choose to get in cars, and choose to complain about traffic, and often choose to ignore that they are the traffic. đŸ™‚

Something to say?