A round up of things regarding this Wednesday’s CCAC meeting at Crozet Library at 7pm
My quick thoughts
We need housing, in Crozet, in Albemarle, in the US. We need infrastructure, too. This seems an opportunity to at least provide affordable housing for people who need it.
CCAC (and many other County boards, committees, and commissions) needs volunteers to serve. Find out more here.
Part of the CCAC Agenda
Community Meeting: ZMA202400007, SP202400021, and SE202400020 Beaver Hill Manufactured Home Park
(45 minutes)
David Benish, Albemarle County Community Development
TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 05700-00-00-00800
LOCATION: 4783 Beaver Hill Lane
PROPOSAL: Rezone 24 acres from Rural Area to R4 Residential with a special use permit to bring existing manufactured
home park into compliance and to add 53 additional units.
PETITION: A request for a special use permit under section 18- for a manufactured home park on a 49.38-acre
parcel. The property is currently a non-conforming manufactured home park with 47 units. The proposal seeks to bring the
property into conformance and to add a leasing office and 53 additional units for a total of 100 manufactured homes at a
gross density of 4.17 units/acre. Associated with the request are several special exceptions to the manufactured home park
regulations outlined in Section 18-5.3.
ZONING: RA Rural Areas – agricultural, forestall, and fishery uses; residential density 0.5 units/acre in development lots
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area – preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and
scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/ acre in development lots) in Rural Area 3 of the Comprehensive Plan.
4. 5. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Updates (15 minutes) – this is time reserved for liaisons to
share community announcements and project/policy updates
Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray
Other Committee Business (10 minutes)
a. All-CAC Review
6. Community Concerns (10 minutes)
Charlottesville Community Engagement
(always a must-read, and well worth the annual subscription)
Crozet CAC to review rezoning request for expand Beaver Hill mobile home park
Albemarle expects over 150,000 residents by the year 2050 and one of the biggest questions is where everyone will live. Another is how to preserve existing affordable housing and how to expand the number of subsidized units?
Those questions are answered application by application.
Shimp Engineering is leading the way on a rezoning for 24 acres from Rural Area to Residential-4 to allow for expansion of the Beaver Hill Manufactured Home Park to add 53 additional units to have a total of 100. The property is technically in the rural area.
The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will have a community meeting for these applications at the November meeting at 2020 Library Avenue in Crozet. This begins at 7 p.m. (meeting info)

Location of the Beaver Creek Mobile Home Park in Crozet (Credit: Shimp Engineering)