Crozet Streetscape Meeting Recap – 3 December 2013

Thank you – thank you to all who attended and all who tweeted the meeting. Thank you particularly to @tim_dodson,@kellygobble, @crozetbulldogs, and @tfjtolson for tweeting the meeting – you made it a much richer experience (and equally easier and harder for me to storify this!) Seriously, using the #CrozetStreetscape hashtag made this much, much easier to follow.

I’ll update this post when the Crozet Gazette and Charlottesville Tomorrow publish their stories.

Update – stories by Crozet Gazette and Charlottesville Tomorrow.


– This is going to be un-fun. But it’s something we as a Crozet community can get through together

– Work starting the first week of January 2014

Work will take about a year.

– Tabor is first, going to be partially closed for ~ 6 weeks or …

– ~ 2 weeks if they close it and route traffic through the lumberyard (this is as of yet undecided) …

– Which would impact the merchants in the Square significantly

– The County has a comprehensive and evolving communication plan to inform the community about the Streetscape project

– The County wants to know what events they need to be aware of and work around – i.e.: 4th of July Parade, Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival.

PDF of the streetscape overview is here.

Click through to read the full story. Click through, scroll to the bottom – and ask questions.Update 4 December – Here is the presentation from last night.

2 Replies to “Crozet Streetscape Meeting Recap – 3 December 2013”

  1. Thanks for the tweets, I had another meeting that precluded my attendance at this one. It ‘s unfortunate that the connecting of High St, and Library street wasn’t done at the outset to take some pressure off Tabor St. Anyone with a map could see it was bottleneck. Now that Tabor will need to close at times of day, the one existing road for several neighborhoods is closed. Imagine if Barnes was still operating, that would make things even tougher. None of this was unforeseen, and should have been taken into consideration years ago. We need to get a Crozet resident on the BoS.

Something to say?