Get your Albemarle Absentee Ballot for June Primary Elections (2020)

I have two questions:

1 – Will they accept electronic signatures, or must they be wet signatures? Answer: Yes, they accept electronic signatures, so long as you are already registered to vote

2 – May we email the PDF of the absentee ballot application? Answer: yes; you may email to [email protected]

(and the FB post)

Here is the link to request your absentee ballot.

via email:


The Governor has postponed the June primary elections in Virginia. The June primary elections will now be held on Tuesday, June 23, 2020. Albemarle County voters will have an opportunity to vote in either the Democratic primary or the Republican primary (but not both).

Because of the COVID-19 virus, if you would like to vote in the upcoming June 23 primary the Albemarle County Electoral Board and Department of Voter Registration strongly urge ALL voters to vote absentee by mail in that election, so as to avoid having to go to the polls on election day. 

By notice posted on the Virginia Department of Elections website, the Department of Elections has advised all Virginia localities that because of the COVID-19 emergency, ALL voters will be permitted to vote absentee for the June primary elections in Virginia.

Jim’s note: After speaking to the registrar, I struck through this. Choose the first option.

In order to get an absentee ballot, voters will need to submit an absentee ballot application form.  Use ā€œmy disability or illnessā€ as the absentee reason.  

If you have a Virginia driverā€™s license, you can complete that form online.

If you do not have a Virginia driverā€™s license, please contact the Albemarle County Voter Registration Department, and we will send you an absentee ballot application form.  Phone: 434-972-4173

Email: [email protected]


PMB 160

435 Merchant Walk Sq., Suite 300           

Charlottesville, VA  22911

You may apply for an absentee ballot for the June 23 primaries now.  Voters are strongly encouraged to act sooner rather than later to apply for an absentee ballot, so that you will be sure to get your ballot in on time. (To be counted, your absentee ballot must be received by the Registrarā€™s Office by June 23, 2020.)

Albemarle County Electoral Board

Albemarle County Department of Voter Registration and Elections

 Extra encouragement from election officials:

The Albemarle County Electoral Board and Department of Voter Registration want to STRONGLY ENCOURAGE ALL VOTERS FOR THE JUNE PRIMARIES TO VOTE BY MAIL ABSENTEE. We are wondering if your office might be able to assist us in STRONGLY ENCOURAGE them to choose this option!

Our concerns here are twofold: first, many voters are going to be understandably skittish about coming to the polls to vote on June 23 as a result of Covid-19, and second, many of our election officers ā€“ 74% of whom are between 60 and 90 years of age ā€“ may also be understandably skittish about serving as election officers at the polls on June 23. If we run into a severe shortage of election officers, we could be facing, as worst case scenario, the situation that voters saw in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last Tuesday, where, in a city that normally has over 150 voting precincts, they were only able to staff 5 voting precincts because of a dearth of willing election officers!

Our hope is that if we can really spread the word about the absentee option, then we will be able to comfortably anticipate a very few voters showing up to vote in person at the polls on June 23, and, accordingly, be able to get by with fewer officers of election than we otherwise might feel were needed.

To get the absentee process started, a voter must first submit a completed absentee ballot application form.  Even though we will not begin mailing out absentee ballots for the June 23 primary until Friday, May 8, voters can submit applications now, and we would really like to encourage voters to act SOONER RATHER THAN LATER on the absentee option, so that we are able to manage what we anticipate will be a significantly higher volume of absentee applications than usual, and get them in the mail to the voters with enough time for the voters to receive their ballots, mark the ballots, and get them back to us by the election day deadline.

2 Replies to “Get your Albemarle Absentee Ballot for June Primary Elections (2020)”

  1. I didn’t see the voting in June when I finished And I would like an absent T ballot for the June voting

    1. Linette – as you scroll through the online application, you reach a page where you request the ballot – June Republican Primary, November General Election, May Town General, June Democratic Primary. Select your option.

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