CCAC Meeting – December 20 2017

Last CCAC meeting of the year, and the first I’ll do without Storify to capture the tweets. I’m still not sure how I’m going to do that … suggestions, anyone? #CCAC1217

For the good of our community, make 2018 the year you get involved in the Crozet community before something affects your direct, immediate backyard.

(my additions in italics)


Crozet Library

Wednesday, Dec 20, 2017 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review (Dave Stoner – CCAC chair)
2. Approval of Minutes

3. Milestone Communications Wireless Tower SUP Presentation (Lori Schweller, Re-LeClaireRyan, 45 min)

4. Items Not Listed on the Agenda

5. Announcements

6. Potential Future Agenda Items

a. Feb – Albemarle County Stormwater Utility Plans Greg Harper, Env.
Services Chief

b. Feb (?) – Crozet Survey Results/Discussion (remember the new Master Plan?) If you’re interested, do some digging on the Crozet Master Plan here.

c. TBD – Old Trail Historical Recap (related stories from 2005: One, Two. And one from this year)

d. TBD – Albemarle County Economic Development Authority Invite

Dedicating a Crozet Trails Bridge

via email:

The Crozet Trails Crew’s newest bridge will be dedicated to our visionary founder and first president, Jessica Mauzy, on Saturday, December 2 at 10:30 am. Please join us at Crozet Park (behind the dog park) as we say a big thank you for her leadership and contribution to Crozet’s walkability and overall quality of life!

Our next monthly meeting will be this Thursday, Nov. 30, 6:30 – 8 pm at Mi Rancho in Old Trail.



Restore N Station & Creekside at Albemarle Planning Commission – 5 December

For context, spend some time looking through this month’s CCAC meeting notes.

via email from Bill Fritz with Albemarle County:

The staff report for SP 2017-20 ReStore’n Station is now available online.  If you are not able to attend the meeting and want to provide comments to the Planning Commission please send your comments to me and I will print them out and distribute them to the Planning Commission at Tuesday’s meeting.  Any comments provided to the Planning Commission will automatically be added to the packet that is prepared for the Board of Supervisors.  At this time this item is not scheduled for the Board of Supervisors.  I will let you know as soon as a date has been set.

You can access the December 5, 2017 PC agenda and materials below.




The hard copies are still being copied and not done yet, I will send out an email once they are complete and ready for pickup.

*Note from Jim – I put the links to the dropbox & online in, rather than have them all strung out.

Continue reading “Restore N Station & Creekside at Albemarle Planning Commission – 5 December”

Crozet Angel Tree 2017 – Fully Supported!

via email –

“I am so excited to say that between your boost, my email campaign, and many other caring folks from the community sharing the information with friends, neighbors, playgroups, exercise groups, etc we are 100% supported. I can’t thank you, and everyone who has pitched enough for coming through again this year. Crozet is a special place!”

Crozet rocks. 206 kids’ holidays are better.

Coyotes in Crozet (and in Old Trail)

Quite the FB conversation on this one.

As I was turning into Old Trail today around 1:00 PM, a sizable coyote ran in front of my car causing me to brake hard.

It was heading east to west.

I believe it was a coyote as it was running with it’s tail down.

I don’t know if there have been other sightings.

And, no, I hadn’t been drinking!

Short story: there are coyotes in Crozet (and coywolves); stay away from them, and keep small animals away, too.

Christmas Trees in and Around Crozet – 2017

Re-posting from last year. Any changes or suggestions?

Before you know it, I’ll be posting the “here’s where to recycle Christmas trees” post (usually in Crozet Park). For now, here’s a list of some of the places in and around Crozet to get a Christmas tree.


My post from 2011 is mostly still accurate, but a few links are dead, so at a friend’s/client’s request, here is an list of places to get Christmas trees in and around Crozet. (Thanks to the Facebook & RealCrozetVA Twitter friends!)

Pick your own + pre-cut Christmas trees


(list pulled from my post at RealCentralVA)


Loving the Crozet Trails

It’s fun riding the Crozet Trails with someone new to Crozet, as I did this morning. Even more fun when I discover something new … the pull up thing at the back of Claudius Crozet Park, near the Crozet Dog Park.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again … the more trails connections the better – for the community, environment, and property values. And … thanks, Crozet Trails Crew!