Send those Crozet Fireworks donations now!

Please email this story to your friends, your homeowners’ associations, whomever you think might be interested in contributing to the Crozet Community’s fireworks celebration.
Make those checks payable to –

Downtown Crozet Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 124 
Crozet, Virginia 22932

Text of the letter requesting funds is below the “fold.”

Fireworks 4 Bg 070402


The annual Crozet Volunteer Fireman’s Fourth of July Parade will be held June 30th at 10:00 a.m. !

A summer fest – party will be held after the parade at Claudius Crozet Park with fireworks by the Crozet Community Association that evening.

I don’t know that the Crozet Community Association is the sponsor, and frankly, I don’t care. So long as the fireworks go on (and I can see from from my back porch)

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Dear Crozet community leaders:

I am writing as President of the newly incorporated Downtown Crozet Association, Inc. to ask for your support of a community effort for which our organization has agreed to serve as the coordinating sponsor.

After many years of providing a free Fireworks Display as part of their Fourth of July Fireman’s Carnival, our Crozet Volunteer Fire Department has reluctantly decided that they must give up providing this show which has become a tradition for our community. The fireworks costs have increased significantly and this expense was taking away from the purpose of their carnival – to raise funds to purchase fire fighting equipment!

The Downtown Crozet Association is a Virginia non-profit corporation (our IRS 501c3 application is pending) consisting of downtown Crozet merchants, property owners and others who are committed to preserving the identity of Crozet as a distinct community and promoting the small town values that drew us here in the first place!

We must raise $4,200 to Save the Fireworks and, although we have placed collection jars at locations around town, your leadership donation is essential to reaching our goal. Won’t you join us as a key patron for this community event? We have scheduled the Fireworks for 9:30 PM at Crozet Park on Saturday, June 30th as the concluding event of the day-long Summerfest.

Thank you for your interest in our town, Crozet.

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