Crozet Community Association Meeting – 13 November

Mark Your Calendar!

Crozet Community Association Meeting

Thursday, November 13th

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Crozet Firehouse

Here is what’s on tap:

– Plans for New Library

– Getting Ready for the 2009 Master Plan Revision

– Updates from Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors

– Final Review of CCA Bylaws — Crozet History Moment

– Good Neighbor Award to Heather and Michael Penny of Fabulous Foods

and more ……

See You There!

There are few better ways to get involved in the Crozet Community and learn about what’s happening – the first three items on the agenda will likely directly impact the Crozet real estate market as well …

As always, the offer stands for anyone who is interested in writing a story for RealCrozetVA summarizing the meeting. Please let me know!


The minutes from the last meeting – I’ve bolded alternating paragraphs for readability.

I have pasted the minutes from Sept 11 meeting below. Thanks to Emery Taylor for a wonderful job.

Agenda items for 11/13 include: Crozet History Moment with Phil James, Good Neighbor Award presentation by Heidi Sonen, Getting Ready for the 2009 Master Plan Revision (Mike Marshall), Updates from Planning Commission (Tom Loach) and Board of Supervisors (Ann Mallek) , Update on Recycling (David Wayland), Final Review of CCA Bylaws (Judi Burbes), 60-second advocate (you! bring news of your Crozet-related club or activity).

Importantly, it is also time to discuss new leadership for the CCA. According to the bylaws, elections are held at our November meeting. I will be stepping down as president. The term of secretary has also expired. Please consider taking on an expanded role in your community association. You can email me directly or speak to any other the other officers: Heidi Sonen–Vice President, Judi Burbes-Secretary, Emery Taylor-Treasurer.

See you on Thursday at 7:30 at the Firehall.
Kathleen Jump, CCA president

Crozet Community Association, Inc.—Minutes—9.11.08

The minutes from the meeting held on 5.8.08 were approved.

Phil James reported on the history of Crozet. In this meeting’s installment, Phil reported that in 1923, Jack Phillips established the Crozet Print Shop in a building, now gone, that was next to the Cold Storage Building (now Mountainside Senior Living). One of his employees was Vivian McCauley who later in 1933 established the Modern Barber Shop in the building next door. McCauley’s son Pete, and then his granddaughter Lisa would continue to operate the barber shop in the same location to this day.

Three new physicians introduced themselves. Dr. Mike Harper and Dr. Katherine Casey are affiliated with UVA and have their family practice office at Clover Lawn.
Dr. Soloman , who practices internal medicine, has his office in Crozet Commons.

Will Yancey of Yancey Lumber reported on plans for the expansion plan on their property of 190 acres that was submitted on Sept. 2. (a podcast is available). The 190 acres is family owned, is outside the developable area of Crozet, and includes the lumber yard. The lumber yard is the largest heavy industrial site in the county. The part of the property that is not the lumber yard is intended to be light industrial and will consist of entities such as office space, garages, warehouses, parking for heavy equipment and will not be residential or a shopping district. It would provide employment and not cause capacity issues with water or sewer. Most traffic would go to and from I64 which is next to the property. The contours of the land and areas of buffer would keep structures hidden, and the nature of the businesses there would keep it silent. Flood plain areas could be developed into a county park; Parks and Rec. estimated 7 playing fields would fit. Pollution issues would affect Stockton Creek. Stormwater management ponds would collect a tremendous amount of runoff that could be used for watering. The topography of the site would be changed as little as possible.

Tom Loach, our area’s representative on the Planning Commission, addressed problematic issues with the Yancey property development. The Yancey plan would be a expansion of the developable area which the Board of Supervisors don’t want. However, a revision of the Master Plan or “swapping” light industrial zoned land could allow the proposed development. Also, the land has to be considered part of the growth area to get water and sewer service.

Heidi Sonen noted that two new businesses are coming to Crozet: a Chinese take-out restaurant on the Square, and Atlantic Coast Athletic Club in Old Trail. One business has been lost however, and it was Fabulous Foods. Heidi nominated Heather Penny for the Good Neighbor award for bringing us Fabulous Foods. Joanne Perkins seconded the nomination,

Ann Mallek noted that applications to the county for growth related changes are down giving supervisors time to prepare for when the economy resumes.

Kelly Strickland reported on 7 long range plans for Claudius Crozet Park. The include a paved trail around the perimeter of the park, improvements to the basketball courts, a permanent bandstand, and a bubble enclosure for the pool during cold weather months allowing for year round use of the pool. The bubble would allow competitive swimming all year. Heidi Sonen noted that 40 families were turned away by YMCA and other county venues for winter competitive swimming.

Dan Mahon reported that middle and high school volunteers help with trails at Mint Springs. There are 2 miles of new trails at Totier Creek, and new trails at Chris Green. UVA fraternities helped at Chris Green. Civil Engineering students helped with bridge design on the trails. Dan commented that the volunteers were remarkable. There is a trail at Beaver Creek known as the Hornet Trail because of volunteers from Henley Middle School.

Mary Rice encouraged people to come to the advisory council on Thursday Sept 18. A joint meeting of the advisory council and the Crozet Community Association is to be discussed at the next meeting.

Heidi Sonen announced there will be a beautify Crozet day in the spring, date TBA. Also the Crozet Art and Crafts Festival will be at Crozet Park on Oct. 11-12. Tom Loach announced that raffle tickets for a Volvo were being sold by the Fire Co.

David Wayland reported that the Crozet flag stickers were running low. Barbara Westbrook made a motion to buy another 500 stickers. Tom Loach seconded the motion which was approved.

Ann Mallek reported that information about recycling has to wait for a consultant’s report that is due in October. The land use program will have hearings in October. She noted that land use programs, while helpful, have to be run squeaky clean. The budget is facing big changes in services provided, and is projected to have a 2 year shortfall of 6 million dollars. Core emergency services staffing will be refilled, ancillary services will not. Everything is on the chopping block including salaries.

Questions were raised about the streetscape and the old Crozet elementary school.

Pete McCauley suggested that a recycling center could be placed on the Acme prking lot.

The meeting was adjourned until November 13, 2008.

Something to say?