Be Aware of Dominion Power’s Deceptive Installers

Quick update regarding the below, in response to one of the emails I’ve received about this:

I think the email was less about advocating for denying the smart meters, and more about how the installers were being dishonest with the folks who chose to opt out.
That said, here are two links about why some have chosen to opt out.
For my tin foil hat perspective, jump to the end.
Update #2 – Dominion says it’s a miscommunication from their contractor to the customer. Statement from them at the end of this post.

via email from Ann Mallek:

“Please help to make residents aware of deceptive practices on the part of Dominion Virginia Power smart meter installers.

Two Board of Supervisors members have been approached recently by Dominion Virginia Power smart meter installers at their homes to accept installation of smart meters. When each expressed concerns about smart meter installation, the installer stated that Dominion was charging an ongoing surcharge of $30 per month for the non-communicating alternative to a smart meter.

When challenged about the validity of the $360 annual fee to access the non-communicating alternative, the Dominion Smart Meter team confirmed on 8/6/15 that this threatened surcharge does not exist:

I apologize for any confusion, currently there is no fee for a Non-Communicating Meter and Dominion has not filed for permission to charge a fee.

An opt out program is available to all residents with no fee, as assured by Dominion representatives who came before the Board of Supervisors last year to talk about smart meters. Citizens are directed to the Dominion website to access opt out program information: domcom/pdfs/virginia-power/ smartmeter/meter-option- requirements.pdf

Or can request opt out program information by email:

[email protected]

I want to prevent deceptive misinformation from adversely affecting Albemarle County residents. If you have experienced a visit from a Dominion Virginia Power smart meter installer and received this type of misinformation, please contact your Albemarle supervisor at [email protected]. Please include your contact information.

Thank you.”

My tin foil hat thinking – everything can be hacked. Jeeps, Teslas, the Pentagon, Nest thermostats, seriously — your thermostatyour home.

Everything can be hacked. If a homeowner chooses to have a home that’s a bit less hackable, why shouldn’t they?


Update #2/statement from Dominion –

“Dominion is making an investment to upgrade its infrastructure to better serve customers, and smart meters are part of this technology. Smart meters are upgraded meters with communication capabilities that enable customers to participate in special programs that save them energy and money by providing the customers with information about the amount of energy they use. They serve other important functions such as reporting an outage at a customer’s home.

There is no charge for a customer to have a smart meter installed or maintained at their home, nor is there a charge for a customer who opts out of having a smart meter installed. Unfortunately, we learned there was a miscommunication between our employee and a customer about a potential charge for the meter and we will work with the customer to correct this misunderstanding. We will also reach out to our employees and partners to ensure this miscommunication doesn’t happen again.”



9 Replies to “Be Aware of Dominion Power’s Deceptive Installers”

    1. You are presented with a choice. When you make that choice you are not wrong.
      Why does this need to be explained??? Of course, If you own your property
      you may choose how you wish. No explanation needed.

      1. You could have just said no. Why even comment if you have nothing of substance to add? This wasn’t a rhetorical question. I’m sincerely asking if anyone has any compelling reasons. If they do, it make help others make a better informed decision.

        1. OK, If you want substance google “smart meters, Va power”. If everyone had these they could start variable residential rates for the power they sell. Or, maybe they won’t.

    2. With the smart meters, the power company can cut off power to your house remotely. With regular meters, they have to show up and cut off the power on-site. I would rather not risk my power being cut due to a software glitch or hackers.

      1. Software glitches or hackers can shutdown the whole grid. I think we are all
        going to get these meters no matter what little excuses we come up with.
        Unless you choose not to buy electricity from Va. Power…

Something to say?