Testing a New Category – New Deals

Update 9 August 2016: Came back to this post thanks to a spam comment I had to delete. Looks like this experiment didn’t work; just not the right fit for this site.


I don’t use the term “deal” lightly. In a sign of the times, these three listings just came on the market in Crozet and I could not help but point them out. They’re not my listings, but are available via the Charlottesville MLS.

One in Cory Farm and one in Rockbridge, and a lot in Wickham Pond.

Candidly, if you’d rather me not post these here, please let me know – either in the comments on via my contact form.

You can search for homes in Crozet at my Crozet home search page. As a means to gauge buyer sentiment, I also have a poll at RealCentralVA; please consider voicing your opinion.

3 Replies to “Testing a New Category – New Deals”

  1. Jim, It's YOUR blog — you post whatever you wish. Those who disagree can go start their own blog. No problems here with the content!

Something to say?