CCAC Meeting – 15 March at Crozet Elementary

CCAC meeting at Crozet Elementary, 7pm.

via email.

All please see attached the agenda for the March 2017 Crozet Community Advisory Committeee (CCAC) meeting to be held at 7pm at Crozet Elementary.  NOTE CHANGE IN MEETING PLACE.
The meeting will focus on brainstorming ideas for the Neighborhood Improvements Funding Initiative (NIFI).  Emily and County staff have done a wonderful job of prepping for this session, and the following supporting materials have been previously circulated:
Please note at the conclusion of this NIFI session the CCAC will spend a few minutes to conduct other business, including review/approval of February minutes and election of officers for 2017.
Also note there are several open spots on the CCAC beginning in April 2017.  If you are interested in serving on this committee, more information can be found here and here.   Please apply online by March 24, 2017 here .
Feel free to talk to me or any CCAC member if you would like further information.



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