Crozet Twitter Updates – Brief Notes for 2010-04-04

  • RT @bharathc: Sugar Hollow in Crozet,VA. Beautiful outside, allergies be damned! What can't wine cure? #
  • @juphoff Hey, now. We love our @MudhouseCrozet . in reply to juphoff #
  • A great day to coach soccer. Then show. Then leave. #
  • I'm going to say the heavy equipment making noise this morning is a sign of the economy moving. Otherwise, it's aggravating. #
  • RT @1070WINA: First Two Phases Completed At Crozet Meadows Apartments #
  • @trailsidecoffee has been streaming people for the past 45 minutes. Busy is good. #
  • Please don't block the intersection at Western and Old Trail. #
  • Home sales in Crozet seem to have doubled YoY. #
  • RT @JimDuncan: Morning at the Crozet Mudhouse #
  • @TessOrtega Amazingly, the train has been my clients' nemesis while trying to sell their home. in reply to TessOrtega #
  • RT @JimDuncan Welcome to Crozet (signs) [which entrance sign do you like?] #
  • @trailsidecoffee is making Old Trail look good. Tremendous service & ice cream for my clients! #
  • RT @brbs: Ok, One Saturday only, On Saturday, April 10, the first 50 customers to spend $100 or more get a FREE Crozet CommuniTee T-Shirt! #
  • RT @CBS19: [NEWS] Without Leader, Crozet Farmers Market Could Be in Jeopardy #
  • RT @MudhouseCrozet: Tea party to go!! We've got a new line of tea cookies [and they are *delicious*!] #
  • Damn proud of one of my classmates at VMI – #
  • RT @mgw68: @realcrozetva totally enjoyed my blueberry spudnuts and Elephant Chai. Thanks Cville Concierge for donut transport to Trailside #
  • Does anyone know what's going on with the Crozet Farmer's Market? #
  • Be careful, Crozetians. It seems there are lots of new teenage drivers out there this Spring. #crozet #
  • Crozet crash – #
  • RT @bradramsey: – The calm after the storm in Crozet [I loved the storm last night!] #
  • Anyone on Jarman's Gap who received the letter from VDOT willing to share it with me? jim @ #
  • @trailsidecoffee Thanks for the great coffee today! Fresh flowers for sale are a great addition. What *don't* y'all do? in reply to trailsidecoffee #
  • RT @trailsidecoffee: Spudnuts today…fresh local organic flowers for sale, Bali blue moon, Malawi dark and Peru on tap today! #
  • Correction: if I hadn't waited nearly 10 minutes and *then* have guy call on guy who had just walked in, I'd have patience. #
  • Two mornings in a row I've been disappointed with mudhouse's interminable slowness. Part of it is me, but only a small part. #
  • RT @SuzySaidCville: But…Suzy's Night Out in Crozet will be a great way to start it off! #
  • Proof one person can make a difference: one slow car causes 50 cars to go slowly on 250 into C'ville #

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