WAHS Presents “Guys and Dolls”

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The Western Albemarle Theatre Ensemble is back! After their successful production of “Annie” last year, they are out to top themselves with their 2012 Spring Musical, a Broadway classic, “Guys and Dolls”. Under the direction of Caitlin Pitts, this musical hosts a cast of over 85 students, extensive orchestra, and stage crew. Filled with swaggering gangsters, passionate missionaries, and glamorous show girls with a wide spread message about the power of love and what human beings are willing to give up for the sake of it.

Performances are March 9th and 10th at 8 PM and March 11th for a 2 PM Sunday matinee at the Western Albemarle High School auditorium. Tickets are on sale at the WAHS main office, Over the Moon bookshop and The Mud House and at the WAHS cafeteria. Tickets are $10 for adults and $6 for students. For more information contact Caitlin Pitts at 434-823-8700 ext.63306 or [email protected].

A Special Sneak Peek Performance is this (update) Friday at the Mudhouse, 7 PM. Students will have extra tickets available at that time.

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Many of the cast, crew, and orchestra of the upcoming Western Albemarle High production of “Guys and Dolls” want to do something for our neighbors. Part of the play involves the “Save a Soul Mission”. The kids want to make the mission to collect non-perishable food donations for the Monges. All other food donations will be taken to the Crozet Food closet to feed other local residents. There will receptacles available during the performances to collect the donations. 

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