WAHS’ Environmental Academy Taking Shape

K Burnell Evans at the Daily Progress reports:

Plans are taking shape for one of the few new initiatives to escape the chopping block this spring when Albemarle County school officials slashed $3.9 million from the fiscal plan for the coming school year.

Students have been selected and a curriculum drawn up for freshmen entering the Environmental Studies Academy at Western Albemarle High School this fall. A group of 16 male and nine female students will form the academy’s entering class, said Adam Mulcahy, a biology and ecology teacher at Western who will lead the program.

And. Wow.

In an informal survey of his students, Mulcahy (a biology and ecology teacher at Western who will lead the program) told the School Board last week, about 80 percent of respondents had never planted something with their own hands.

The new Environmental Academy looks pretty cool.

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