CCAC Recap – March 2018

Another interesting meeting. Really. I’m using a new tool, wakelet, to aggregate the tweets. It’s not as user-friendly, but it’s what I have.

  • They’re still talking about the wireless tower that might be coming to WAHS
  • CCAC invited school board members to meeting previously, and none came?
  • Master Plan discussion
    • Redevelopment will be coming
    • Centurylink & Comcast are expanding service; I heard them mention Greenwood
    • One audience member called out the CCAC – said they’ve talked for 3 meetings about all the good data they have, but haven’t done anything.
    • I never hear anyone propose how to pay for things.
    • Discussion about the trails (more focus & energy need to be put on the trails; they are an exceptional part of Crozet – and since no roads or bike lanes are going to be built, the trails need to be more of an essential part of infrastructure.
      • Why, why, why, is the connection from Cory Farm to the downtown Crozet side not in place?
    • Freddy Wineberg from Foxchase rose to advocate for more infrastructure, that’s not solely automobile centric. (paraphrasing – “we are a lesser community if we a building where we have to get in cars.“)

Continue reading “CCAC Recap – March 2018”

Apartments Coming to Old Trail

from the Old Trail developer: (remember – they told us about this years ago)

We are providing follow up information on the work being done along Old Trail Drive at the School Trail area. We have completed the utility work and are continuing with the pond conversion so we kindly ask that folks use the Trail detours and respect the signage and fencing. We apologize for this inconvenience and expect the work to be finished on this west side in another 60 days.

There has been some discussion of a luxury apartment project coming to Old Trail and we are pleased to officially announce this new project coming to the area along the West side of Old Trail Drive from the Golf Drive/Old Trail Drive Roundabout south to the trail connector across the pond work. We will provide more information about this at our next Neighborhood meeting on April 25th in Restoration Hall but the work for this project could begin within the next two weeks.

Lastly, we are also pleased to announce that our Commercial Development will be expanding for a Retail / Apartment project on the open lot on the North East corner of Old Trail Drive and Ashlar. As we continue to grow, we realize this may create limited access into the Townhome parking lot off Ashlar. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and recommend using the Mornington Place access to these homes.

We realize the inconvenience of all this construction and appreciate everyone’s cooperation on respecting the signs and detours.

The Vue Begins


email from a friend and client:

I don’t know the young boys name…but his heart was so heavy losing the woods where only little boys know of the magic. These developers are ripping away so much from these children.

Blue Ridge Rd to Cling “are goners.” Boys told me rabbits, frogs, crayfish, bear, fox deer and beaver will all lose their habitat. They told me the creek is already filled with mud so the fish and frogs no longer have clean water…especially with the trash as seen in the photo. Boys said the oil from cars and new asphalt will ruin our water. These kids are wise about the environment- but are the adults?

I would be happy for you to post it. I don’t know if I needed the young boys permission  (Jim’s note: I didn’t post it) …but he was brushing tears away as he told me how much this woods meant to him. He went on home and his friend took us to the large waterfall they are guarding. They swim there and are so frightened that the water cleanliness will disappear so they won’t be able to swim there…

Before that I was just staring in dismay at the woods across from Haden and neighbors came out to talk to me in total sadness. One woman said her grandfather built the beautiful old home across from the Vue. She talked for a long time, much as the boys had talked.