Digging into a few things Crozet-related. I’m writing this as much for you as to ensure that I read as much as possible about Crozet.
- Interesting discussion on Crozet Twitter about economic development, the 64 interchange, 250 Byway, density and infrastructure.
- County Tax Rates Rise and Fall
Overall, Albemarle county’s 2023 budget is $586 million, a whopping 25% increase over its 2022 budget of $467 million. Revenue growth is fueled by a $30 million increase in real estate tax receipts due to sharply higher assessed values this year, an expected gain of $11 million from the combined increases in the food and beverage and transient occupancy tax rates, and $26 million in higher state and federal funding due to Covid relief and federal infrastructure legislation allocations. Increased expenditures include $13 million more in county staff salaries, $26 million more to schools on the basis of the county’s 60/40 formula to share local tax revenues, and planned capital expenditures for projects such as new and expanded public schools and county courthouse building renovations.
The county is also absorbing huge cash inflows due to federal and state school relief funds. In the week before the April 27 Board of Supervisors meeting where the 2023 budget was approved, revenues jumped by $21 million, driven by an $18 million increase in schools funding derived largely from additional American Rescue Plan transfers. The county allocates almost 60% of its expenditures budget to the combination of school operations, the schools capital budget, and school-related debt service. See the nearby graphic for the budget breakdown, and the Albemarle County Finance and Budget website for more details.
- Interesting local business news, including Starr Hill’s design victory, the closing of the hot dog restaurant, and a baker and a candlemaker.
- Walk to the Park for the Fourth of July Celebration.
Although there will not be a fireworks show this year, the annual Crozet Independence Day Celebration after the parade will still bring a lot of traffic to Crozet Park. So many cars trying to leave at the same time takes a l-o-n-g time.
It can be difficult and dangerous to walk home from the park in the dark because there are no sidewalks from the park towards the neighborhoods to the east.
The Crozet Connector Trail can provide a safe, off-road route to neighborhood roads where there are sidewalks.
- “The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will get a lesson on water protection rules in Albemarle and capital projects for drinking water and sewer” on 6 June at 7pm.
Such committees can be a platform for community members to learn more about land use and development rules. That’s certainly the case in this month’s meeting which will take place virtually at 7 p.m. (meeting info)
First, the chief engineer of the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority will give a presentation on various water and sewer projects for Crozet. The RWSA operates a separate urban water supply for Crozet and there are various upgrades underway at the moment.
Next, county engineer Frank Pohl will provide an update on the Albemarle Water Protection ordinance. That was first updated in 1998 to help reduce the amount of sediment that makes it way into the watershed. Learn more on the county’s website.
- Potentially interesting and relevant context to the discussion about redevelopment at the 64 interchange
- The Albemarle Architectural Review Board meets virtually at 1 p.m. (Monday, 6 June) On the agenda is a discussion about the Entrance Corridor Review Guidelines for 250 West from Afton to Ivy Road. According to the materials, Route 250 follows the alignment of a former Route 39. (meeting info)
- For those new here, some stories about the 64 interchange discussion