Buses From Crozet to Charlottesville?

Just an idea …

Did you know that:

Based on a great conversation I had yesterday at the Mudhouse, I started this conversation on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page and got some great comments.

What could be done to get great bus service to/from Crozet/Charlottesville? Cool buses. With lots of light & wifi. 5x in the morning & 5x at afternoon/evening for starters.

With bike racks on buses. Park and rides in the church lots … Just kicking around some ideas. (Not my ideas necessarily … Just ideas)

Could it happen?

Some back of the napkin numbers – correct me please, because I’m sort of making these numbers up.

What do you think? Could it happen? Who could/would do it? Could/would it be profitable?

Most importantly – for those of you who have “real” jobs as I call them (I’m a Realtor; my days are necessarily geographically scattered) – would you use a bus?


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A comment on JAUNT in Crozet

The following is from a reader. It seems that JAUNT has some marketing to do.

“Thanks for your blog entry that mentioned Jaunt. I didn’t know they offer commuter service. I thought they only did transport for handicapped folks. I spoke with (someone) at Jaunt who advised that all commuter service between Crozet-Cville is door-to-door upon request, and they have no way of knowing how long any particular route would take on any given day.

She said that there are no plans for express service — and it would have to be taken up with city council who funds them.

I would definitely consider using the service if it would just be one pick-up in Crozet (say at Bank of America parking lot which is a designated park & ride) to a stop (or two) in Cville [Downtown Mall & UVA/Corner?].

I think that the service needs to have a predictable schedule and route.

I really can’t commit to using a service that might take 45 mins-1 hour due to multiple stops along the way.”

Biking around Crozet

I’m embarking on a shift in how I get around. and I’m hoping to demonstrate the relative ease of biking around Crozet.

Riding to the farmers’s market on Saturday mornings, to Great Valu for a few groceries, to the drop-off point to pick up my weekly CSA share, over to Old Trail for meetings, to the BP to pick up the Crozet Gazette, to the Pool, Mint Springs Park, to Highlands to show a house that I’m marketing … The possibilities for riding a bike instead of driving are many.

Gas prices are affecting everyone.


If you’re willing to join me in my effort to think differently, let me know in the comments.