March 14 Crozet Community Association Meeting

Lots of good stuff on the agenda … anyone interested in live-tweeting the meeting and I’ll storify it later?

Presentation: ?Old Trail development plans by Dave Brockman, Development Manager.

Old Business:
• Update on the Build Crozet Library fundraising (; Bill Schrader)
• Updates from the Crozet Park and the Crozet Trails Crew (CTC).
• Update on the Streetscape project (utility line re-location).
• Other items?

New Business:
• Crozet Safety Corp proposal. Jim Crosby and Tom Loach. A community safety and preparedness outreach independent of, but fostered by, the Albemarle County Police Department to increase our community’s safety, promote and encourage disaster preparedness, and help deter criminal activity
• Crozet 2013 Independence Day Celebration planning.
• Fund raising for the CCA? How to raise money to be able to support other causes in Crozet?
• There are vacancies on several Albemarle County Boards and Commissions, several of which are specifically for White Hall District residents. YOU are encouraged to apply.

Other items? Comments and Questions? Announcements:

• Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) meets next Thursday, March 21, at 7:00 PM at the Meadows Community Center (5735 Meadows Drive).
• Others?

3 Replies to “March 14 Crozet Community Association Meeting”

  1. Jim if you are wanting people to attend the meeting, then you might want to tell us what time it is at… this the same group that got in trouble for not posting signs when there meetings where?

    1. Absolutely, I would love people to attend.

      – If you click the first link above, it will take you to the Crozet Gazette site that has the location and time.

      – I have added the location and time here as well.

      – I would also draw your attention to the Crozet Calendar –

      When you go, would you be interested in writing a guest post for RealCrozetVA?

    2. Also, I commend to you our website, which lists the next meeting place and time. Traditionally (by which I mean for year & years) we meet at 7:30 PM the second Thursday of odd-numbered months, e.g, January, May. except for July. For more than five years we’ve consistently met in the Field School auditorium. Twice in the couple of years, November 8, 2012 and this month, March 14, we started at 7:00 PM to accommodate partnering with Albemarle County and Ann Mallek respectively. This month our customary signs at the 4-way stop and Jarman’s Gap/Crozet Avenue went up Wednesday morning with the start time changed to 7:00 PM and listing the location.

      We also maintain an email list which we use a couple of times a month to notify folks of community events and our meeting. If you’re not signed up, I urge you to do so at:

      We try to get the word out to everyone I can via as many communication conduits as possible. If we’ve stumbled, please let me know and I’ll do my best to make sure we don’t as drop that ball again, at least. Can’t guarantee we won’t drop another, however, since we’re only human.

Something to say?