CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap

Sounds like a lot was discussed at last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting. Huge thanks to WAHS student @Tim_Dodson, @CvilleKim, @tfjtolson and @crozetbulldogs (their Twitter names for the uninitiated 🙂 ) for tweeting the meeting. Thank you for taking the time to attend and share the information with the community.

The meeting recap – via tweets – is after the break. Click through, scroll to the bottom and make your way up. There’s a lot of relevant and pertinent Crozet information in there.

Some of the topics –

– Barnes Lumberyard development plan

– Streetscape update (there’s a meeting on 3 December)

– Jarman’s Gap/Crozet Avenue intersection (I still say roundabout)

– Safe Routes to School update

– Pedestrian improvements at Clover Lawn

– Design charette for the Barnes Lumberyard?

– Hotel update

Please read and be informed – and thank the folks who tweeted if you see them!

4 Replies to “CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap”

  1. Thanks to all those who attended and tweeted. I’m glad to see traffic issues were brought up as well as development, they go hand in hand. Crozet needs a solution to solve the Crozet Avenue traffic problems with Tabor Street, Jarmans Gap, The Square, and Railroad Avenue. With the increase in population in south and east Crozet, we need multiple access lanes to 250 and 240 to prevent the bottlenecks that form on workdays and weekends

Something to say?