The May 2014 Crozet Gazette is Out!

Crozet’s best newspaper is out! Pick one up at a local merchant and spend some money while you do. 🙂

Some highlights:

The Rutherfoord Hotel will open in Spring of 2015. — And the story/survey I wrote last year asking whether folks thought a hotel was needed in Crozet.

Real estate market update

Brownsville’s Destination Imagination Team goes to the Globals

CCAC reviewed the Barnes Lumber proposal — For a detailed account of that meeting, I highly recommend spending a few minutes reading the tweets from that CCAC meeting.

Crozet Park Master Planning Survey (I do think that “slightly” and and “moderately” are synonyms)

3 Replies to “The May 2014 Crozet Gazette is Out!”

  1. Volunteers would solve the staffing issue at the Library/Municipal building.
    I know of more than a few people that would be happy to donate their time.
    Issue the call and they will come…
    Don’t be surprised if Mr. Stoner sells the property. It is already zoned
    industrial. How about a Western Albemarle Recycling Center?
    Time to get the BOS and County staff involved with this. What is this obsession with building apartments next to a train track? Crozet is safe
    apartments or not. When you increase the population there is always a chance that you can increase the crime. You can not chooses who you get. And, the Gazette is not a newspaper…

    1. Thanks, Jim! We appreciate the links. And, thanks, Mr. Strauss. I guess if we aren’t a “newspaper” I’ll settle for just being the “best.”;)

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