More Deliberate RealCrozetVA Facebook Posts

Slightly off topic …

The RealCrozetVA Facebook page is a thriving community. I encourage everyone who’s on Facebook to like, follow, read it.

Going forward, I’ll be posting less frequently, and more deliberately there. If there is something urgent, text me – 434-242-7140. Or email me.


1 – Facebook is a bad and concerning thing.



2 – I deactivated my main account, and created one solely so I can manage my Facebook pages.

There is a place for Facebook, but I’m going to make a deliberate effort to make FB a tool, and frankly, I’d encourage you to do the same. If you’re not the customer, you’re the product.

3 – If you’re interested in seeing the new Nest Realty space in Piedmont Place, stop on by Friday, 29 September from 5pm to 7pm.

4 – I own this blog. The domain. The content. I pay for the hosting (and am looking to move to a faster, more reliable one). Facebook is the opposite of all of those.

If you have a few minutes, please listen to these podcasts

You 2.0: The Value Of ‘Deep Work’ In An Age Of Distraction

“We treat it, I think, in this more general sense of, ‘eh, I probably should be less distracted.’ But I think it’s more urgent than people realize,” he says.

By letting email and other messages guide our workday, Cal says we’re weakening our ability to do the most challenging kinds of work—what he calls “deep work.” Deep work requires sustained attention, whether the task is writing marketing copy or solving a tricky engineering problem.

Eavesdropping on Epiphany

José Cruz is a college student, research scientist, and phone power-user. He spent 6 hours in one day on his screen. So he wanted to cut back, make more time for research, reading, and mental drift.

Something to say?