So Many Albemarle County Meetings the Week of 4 December 2023

If you’re not subscribing to Sean Tubbs’ Charlottesville Community Engagement, you’re not as informed as you could be. 🙂 If you’re not paying for a subscription, please consider doing so. Please, spend a few minutes reading and supporting his work — this stuff matters.

There is so much happening during the week of 4 December 2023 in Albemarle County governance.

I’ll pay for the subscription for the first person to email me asking for one. Just ask.

From Sean’s Week Ahead email, a few snippets:

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2 Replies to “So Many Albemarle County Meetings the Week of 4 December 2023”

  1. Feakanomics Radio had a great discussion on WMRA Sunday about the 50-year decline in Construction sector productivity. Many factors:
    Resistance to modular construction
    Too many small builders

Something to say?