Crozet Avenue Closing Temporarily – 27 August

Prepare accordingly.


Due to the progress of the new Crozet Library construction, Crozet residents should be aware of an upcoming traffic interruption beginning Monday, August 27.  Beginning on Monday, August 27, one lane of Crozet Avenue will be closed at a time between Jarman’s Gap Road and Library Avenue to accommodate installation of a water line and stormwater sewer beneath the roadway.  Drivers should expect delays in this area between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  Water and sewer services should not be impacted.  Preparatory work for the water line construction will begin next week.
This project is expected to take approximately two weeks and should be completed by Monday, September 10, 2012.

Crozet Library is Going to be Built

After a seemingly interminable and often times fruitless quest, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors voted to build the Crozet Library.

From the Daily Progress:

“Best-case scenario is for a contract to be awarded in May, notice to proceed in June and for shovels in the dirt in July,” he said. “We are expecting about 12 months for the contractor to finish up all his work.”

If you’re interested in the Crozet Library saga, you can start here reading about it here.

Crozet Gazette has great renderings and a full story.

Update: Renderings below –

2012 FINAL PLAN RFQ exterior_2012_03283_17Crozet_Library_Drawings-Exterior

2012 FINAL PLAN RFQ exterior_2012_03283_17Crozet_Library_Drawings-Interior Continue reading “Crozet Library is Going to be Built”

Board of Supervisors Meeting Wednesday 28 March – Speak About the Crozet Library

If you can make this meeting, please do.

I’m borrowing this post in its entirety from the Build Crozet Library site because it’s really important for Crozet*

Wednesday, March 28th

marks a significant day for each of the parallel tracks of library construction bids and Albemarle County budget talks.

1. 3:15 pm: The new Crozet / Western Albemarle Library construction bids will be opened in room 241 of the County Office Building.?There are a few of us hoping to attend; we’ll send out information (number of bids, estimated costs) when we have it. ? Albemarle County Office Building. (Photo via Wikipedia)

2. 6:00 pm: The Albemarle County Board of Superivisors will hold a public hearing on the advertised tax rate, at 76.2 cents, just under the equalized tax rate of 76.4 cents the Supervisors specified for building the budget. The BOS can set the 2012-13 tax rate at the advertised amount or lower, but not higher. The Board of Supervisors will listen to public comments at the hearing, then vote on the tax rate at their April 4th meeting.

The new Crozet / Western Albemarle Library has been mentioned in almost every story about the budget — fortunately, it’s included in the proposed budget. Please contact the BOS (again, if you have already); write, call or speak with your support. BOS contact information can be found here.

Please see this message from White Hall supervisor, Ann Mallek:

Please share with your listeners/readers my encouragement that they attend the hearing and share their thoughts on general or particular elements of the proposed budget. Speakers should prepare for a two minute as well as a three minute presentation. If there are many speakers signed up at the beginning, the hearing will run on a two minute allotment. Being able to prepare in advance is far better than editing while sitting in the auditorium. I know that from years of trying.

Thank you for your help. You are welcome to call if you have any questions.

This is a prime opportunity to provide public input to our County’s elected officials.

* Whether you support or don’t support the building of the Crozet Library, this meeting crucial. And for the record, I am in total and complete support of the County fulfilling their promise to Crozet, Western Albemarle and all those who use and depend on the library.

Crozet Library Going to Bid

via email from Build Crozet Library folks:

Please mark your calendars with some important meeting dates. We may have made a very strong case for building the library to the Supervisors this past fall and winter, but if you read any County government stories in the Daily Progress, it seems some of them may have forgotten a few key points.

Fortunately, there are some good opportunities coming up to remind them.

1.  Supervisor Duane Snow to host Samuel Miller Magisterial District Town Halls
Albemarle County Supervisor Duane E. Snow will host four open houses this month for residents of the county’s Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Snow will open each meeting with some brief comments, and then open the floor to questions on anything pertinent to county business.

Dates and times for the meetings:
Saturday, February 11, 1 to 2 p.m. Feb. 11 at the County Office Building Annex, Room B, at 1600 Fifth St.
Saturday, February 18, 10 to 11 am, Yancey Elementary, Esmont
Tuesday, February 21,  7 pm at Meriwether Lewis Elementary
Saturday, February 25, 10 am at the North Garden Fire Station. Continue reading “Crozet Library Going to Bid”

Crozet Library Going to Bid

It’s about time. Thank you everyone for all of your hard work.

From our Supervisor, Ann Mallek:

As I get ready for dinner, please help to share my thanks with all in the Crozet and Western Albemarle community who have supported construction of the Crozet library since 1988. This afternoon the Board of Supervisors did approve sending the project to bid. The Board will approve final wording a week from today, at our 3 pm financial planning discussion in room 241.   

A final vote is still needed to send the project to construction, of course, as every project requires final approval once the bids are received and evaluated. Decisions on the fiscal year 2013 budget will be made in March/April, 2012.

Today’s first step is essential to make the process real in the minds of our bidders and our donors. Today’s success would never have happened without you. I may be the point of the spear, but you are the muscle-the sustained, informed, persistent outreach from many members of the community was and still is essential. You wrote letters, made phone calls, met with supervisors individually, sent emails, and stormed the BOS meetings with witty and intelligent information about the history of the project. No supervisor could ever ask for more from her constituents.   

The bid documents will be finalized in about a month. The plans are now at about 98% completion. Board member Duane Snow suggested adding to the bid process that builders are invited to make suggestions of cost savings for the project. This will continue the value engineering on the plans begun this fall.

The CIP or Capital Improvement Program committee has the library as its number 1 project. Their report will come to the board and the public during the next week.

The funds for the library construction are based upon an equalized tax rate. Retaining a fourth tax cut in a row would leave the local government facing severe service cutbacks and remove any capital projects from the budget, even emergency projects. 0.5 cents of the equalized rate revenue is to be used for capital projects ONLY, and other efficiencies and reductions in local government operations will be used to meet increased expenses for retirement system payments and other mandated obligations.

There is more work to do, more baby steps to accomplish, but we are on a better path today. Pleased stay focused on this project and continue to share your support with the [email protected].

Thank you again. See you at the Soiree.