A change in RealCrozetVA.com

Anyone can post anything (so long as it’s not defamatory, insult-laden or designed to be disrespectful or laden with vitriol).

Register, set up a profile (you can choose to be anonymous) and start writing.

Register For Realcrozetva

It’s easier than writing a letter to the editor, and I know that your thoughts will be read by people who care and can often “do things” to make things right.

Some ideas –

– What type of growth you want to see in Crozet.
– Opinions on the Fall elections.
– Restaurant reviews.
– Your thoughts on the Crozet Community Association meetings
– the Crozet Music Festival

Please let me know your thoughts if you have any questions.

One thing I am working on is an interview with Henley’s new principal – what questions would you like to ask him?

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