10 Year Old Shot in Crozet

A 10 year old little girl was shot and killed this morning in Crozet.

A news round up –

NBC 29
WINA – (link fixed)

Crozet Gazette

Those are words I wish I could have never written. Thoughts, prayers and support go to the family.

Update – there is a Facebook group supporting the family and a statement from the Virginia Church of God; the kids’ father is the pastor at Crozet’s Victory Hill Church of God.

Crozet Elementary sent this notice to parents –

As you may be aware by now, there has been an incident at a home in proximity to our school. Police are investigating the incident and have informed me that there is no threat to our students and school.

We are proceeding according to our normal routines, including pick-up and transportation procedures this afternoon.

If anything changes, I will inform you.


Gwedette R. Crummie

Something to say?