Crozet Area Election Results – 2015

White Hall have a new school board representative in David Oberg. It was nice and refreshing to have a contested election for a change.  Candidate forums, blog posts, discussions … kinda nice.

And, with only 3,912 people voting in the White Hall School Board election, if you voted, your vote actually mattered!

Images below thanks to Smart Cville.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville

Jonno Alcaro won the At-Large School Board seat.



Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-3

Interestingly, while Steve Landes won the election, he lost Crozet White Hall.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-1

Ann Mallek won, unopposed. 209 write-ins? I’d love to see who was written in!


Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-2



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4 Replies to “Crozet Area Election Results – 2015”

  1. Nobody won or lost Crozet. The White Hall District includes Crozet which we all know in an unincorporated community. You can not tell from the votes cast where in Western Albemarle County the voters lived.

  2. The comment about Crozet is only partially true. Crozet is indeed a precisely defined precinct in the White Hall district and Ms. Lynn won heavily in that precinct (57%). Of course, parts of what I imagine many people call Crozet are also in the Brownsville precinct (also White Hall district, perhaps to the point made above) though Ms. Lynn also won this precinct 53-47.

    To get a sense of these precincts, which as pointed out don’t necessarily correspond to what we call “Crozet” or elsewhere, you can look at how I broke down the Comm Atty race. It isn’t perfect but I think it gives a more detailed look at Western Albemarle than is implied.

    Generally this display of the results is a quirk in how the results came in on the site that I didn’t like. While it’s interesting to see how these candidates did locally it just ended up being confusing. Next time, I’ll just display overall results instead of the local results within the county.

    1. The other point of all this is that this is not an official release of data. Websites that
      like to comment and render their own analysis are not official.What would actually be
      interesting to me is who the write in’s were for. That information is available though,
      just not through any website. I guess people get used to the partially true data that
      is so readily available.

Something to say?