Oh, Yay. Wind.
#Florence is a hurricane again & is heading W at 6 mph. It is forecast to become a major hurricane again as it moves toward the Carolina Coastline. Any impacts for #Charlottesville would be felt Friday & beyond. Certainly looking like a HUGE rainmaker for us along w/ gusty wind. pic.twitter.com/vq3w7u9e5A
— David Reese (@WXReese) September 9, 2018
There’s a great discussion on Twitter about this storm.
I've restocked laterns, batteries, and water, considering how easily the power goes out around #Crozet. Be ready, people! #florence https://t.co/CZKzsKhFeM
— Beth Cobb (@hoonurse) September 9, 2018
Might as well get prepared, folks.
- Pretty good emergency supply list at Wirecutter.
- Good comment on Charlottesville Reddit
- Charlottesville media Twitter list
- We have great local meteorologists on Twitter. Find and follow in the above list
- Governor Northam has declared a state of emergency
- National Hurricane Center’s preparedness list
Supplies Kit
Put together a basic disaster supplies kit and consider storage locations for different situations. Help community members do the same.
Emergency Plans
Develop and document plans for your specific risks.
- Protect yourself and family with a Family Emergency Plan
- Be sure to plan for locations away from home
- Pet owners should have plans to care for their animals. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention offer information on animal health impacts in evacuation shelters.
A few thoughts about RealCrozetVA twitter during storms
- I feel so close to my #Crozet community on twitter…mostly during storms and power outages.
- Reminder – When Storms Come, Follow RealCrozetVA
- Just a reminder … when bad weather comes, the community that’s built around the @RealCrozetVA feed on Twitter has proven to be a pretty good resource for helping others and learning about what’s happening in Crozet.Simple – go to Twitter. Create an account. Follow @RealCrozetVA. Best practice: install a twitter app on your phone (when the power goes out, this comes in handy).For a simple explanation of Twitter, this video is awfully useful.
- Storm’s Coming – Are you Prepared?