June 2021 CCAC Meeting. Even More Master Planning

One day, the Crozet Master Plan will be implemented.

2021 is the perfect example of the dangers of taking decades to implement a plan.

2021 changed everything. More people want to, and can, work from home than they did in 2004 when the Crozet Master Plan was originally done. 2010 is a distant memory, as is that working environment.

Employees are choosing to quit rather than go to the office. More people than ever are riding bicycles, and not just for fun and exercise, but as a primary method of transportation. People with shorter commutes are happier.

Experts cite several factors for the surge. With gyms closed, people wanting to exercise went outside. People hesitant to ride buses or subways used bikes instead. Many cities took steps to make streets more bike-friendly.

If the CCAC and Albemarle County are serious about affordable housing and community sustainability, they’ll encourage local businesses to grow, and build the infrastructure so that people can walk or ride instead of drive.

~ me.

Related story: Experts discuss links between housing, transportation costs



  1. Call to Order & Agenda Review (3 minutes) Allie Pesch, CCAC Chair
  2. Approve Meeting Minutes (2 minutes) Allie Pesch, CCAC Chair
  1. Master Plan Discussion: Implementation Prioritization (45 minutes) Staff presentation: Rachel Falkenstein, Tori Kanellopoulos CCAC members discussion
  2. Master Plan Discussion: Full Draft Feedback and Q&A (30 minutes)

CCAC members discussion

5. Committee Business (10 minutes)

Allie Pesch, CCAC Chair

How to participate in this meeting online

Download Zoom. Use this link https://albemarle-org.zoom.us/j/94571782297 to join the webinar.

By phone/call-in

Dial (301) 715-8592. Type in the Webinar ID 945 7178 2297 followed by the pound (#) sign. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

via email

The agenda and materials are posted on the Calendar page

For this month’s meeting we plan to spend the bulk of the time discussing implementation. The first several pages of the meeting materials include the information packet that summarizes the proposed implementation projects. Pages 32-33 are recommended priorities based on the feedback (these pages are also attached to this email for quick reference). This is what we would like to discuss with the CAC during tomorrow’s meeting.

We also have updated drafts chapters for Land Use, Transportation, and Conservation. Not many substantive changes were made to these chapters and we can plan to summarize what changes that were made at the meeting. We have a newly drafted Introduction Chapter. These drafts chapters are included in the “Additional Materials” tab on the calendar page. We won’t have a formal presentation on these chapters, but will be available to answer questions or hear feedback about the remaining content. Recognizing this is a lot of content to get through, we’ll plan to be available at other times for feedback on the full draft and will have it posted on the Imagine Crozet Public Input hub sometime next week.

– From Rachel Falkenstein with the County

One Reply to “June 2021 CCAC Meeting. Even More Master Planning”

  1. The Soviet Union industrialized faster! (Thank Goodness; otherwise Europe would only speak German today)
    I wish AC would just say ‘Enough’ and put ‘Middle Density Residential’ wherever it thinks best.
    Say whatever you want about ‘live and work local’; all the cranes are in Cville.
    Have Anything really wrong with you medically? Fix it where? No ORs in Crozet. Not even a weekend/nighttime clinic.

Something to say?