Another development in Crozet

Coming soon …

Crozet Station:  A conceptual redevelopment project located in Downtown Crozet along the north side of Three Notched Road from Route 240/Crozet Avenue to the Crozet Shopping Center parcel. The proposal is mixed use commercial and residential, including approximately 42,000 square feet of commercial and 72 residential units. This is a pre-application submittal scheduled for a work session with the Planning Commission on May 23 30, 2006.  Staff contact is Rebecca Ragsdale.

Via The sign has been there for some time announcing the impending development … go to the Planning Commission to learn more.

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One Reply to “Another development in Crozet”

  1. Note: During some recent theme updates, I apparently deleted this comment. Hence, it it reposted.

    Not just another development, this appears to be a total redevelopment of the downtown strip of Crozet (Crozet Pizza strip).
    I look forward to reviewing the proposal. Downtown Crozet certainly needs to be revitalized.
    The current hodgepodge of buildings with little design and no safe, adequate parking or easy pedestrian access can only benefit from a upgrade.
    I do hope (since this was studied as part of the Crozet Master Plan) that the NIMBY crowd will be able to embrace the change and contribute positive suggestions.

Something to say?