Crozet Park Open this Weekend

Get your pool passes now! Even better, they will be using a new saline-based chlorination system.

This year, the pool committee has already been busy making other improvements for their patrons. First and foremost, the pool’s water sanitation process has been completely converted. Rather than continuing to use a granulated chlorine injection process for water treatment, the pool has converted over to a new, improved, safer water treatment system called ChlorKing®. This system makes it no longer necessary to have staff handle hazardous and expensive chemicals. It reduces the amount of room needed to store sometimes large, heavy quantities of chlorine that are necessary to keep the water levels safe. It creates a natural antiseptic environment that prevents bacteria and algae from forming. Furthermore, there is the potential that the ChlorKing saline chlorination system could reduce our system running costs by up to 80% annually.

As an added perk, while chlorine exposure to humans is often harsh, this system will be so much kinder and gentler to our natural bodies. Potentially gone are the days of red, irritated eyes or itchy, dry skin, green hair for our fair haired swimmers or even bleached bathing suits and the water will feel soft, silky and more all natural than ever before. There will be no more of that chlorine taste or smell; however, you will find a slightly salty taste to the water from now on, which is normal with this system.

This is something I have been playing with/testing – searching for homes in Crozet that have a reasonably high Walkscore … while the Walkscore data isn’t 100% accurate, it does serve as a reasonable guide … (if a house has a Walkscore of 3 it probably isn’t very walkable, but if it’s 50, there’s a good chance that you can walk to something (reasonably).

If you’re curious, search for Crozet homes with high Walkscores for yourself.

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