via Press Release:
QCV is pleased to announce it is partnering with Claudius Crozet Park in Crozet, VA to reintroduce tennis to the 50-year-old park and provide three permanent QuickStart Tennis courts for kids in western Albemarle County and two regulation courts for players of all ages. Both organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofits with histories of productive collaborations, community outreach and tangible, goal-oriented results.
Lynda Harrill, QCV Founder, says, “Kids need kid-sized courts to play on. Permanent 36-foot courts make it possible for kids to jump on a court and play any time they want. Spontaneous play is a big part of the USTA’s Competency Progression for kids and an integral part of the “Tennis Pathway” we are building in our community. Last summer QCV found out the Crozet Park Board wanted to reinstate their tennis courts and persuaded them to include QuickStart Tennis in their plans.
As part of the USTA’s Target Market Initiative this year, the Crozet project was selected as the initial permanent 36-foot court site in the Charlottesville/Albemarle area. Kids need safe places to play, and Crozet Park is a wonderful environment for tennis and so many other sports and activities. It’s a true community park and represents the best in community volunteerism! Crozet Park is the centerpiece of QCV’s efforts to grow a public tennis tradition in western Albemarle County and an integral part of QCV’s STEP UP for QuickStart! Initiative.”
The courts will be similar to the courts shown below.

Permanent 36-foot QuickStart Courts in Cary, NC
The three QuickStart Tennis courts at Crozet Parks will cost approximately $54,000. Two regulation courts with 60-foot QuickStart blended lines will cost another $120,000. The USTA is providing a portion of the funding for the QuickStart courts. Additional funds will need to be raised to complete both projects.
“Crozet Park is very excited to bring tennis back to the community,” says Heidi Sonen, Crozet Park Board member and Crozet PARC Executive Committee Member. “We particularly think it’s important for area children to learn a lifelong sport like tennis, and nothing is more kid-friendly than QuickStart Tennis. We’re so excited about QuickStart Tennis that we are offering it this summer as part of the YMCA camp at Crozet Park even before the permanent courts are built. Our park is within walking distance of many neighborhoods and centrally located in the Crozet Growth Area. These will be the only public tennis courts in the center of the growth area open to everyone. The Crozet Park Aquatics and Recreation Center (PARC) goal of offering diverse year-round recreation to all residents in western Albemarle County and beyond includes QuickStart Tennis in a big way!”
Through its Jump Start QuickStart Tennis Initiative, QCV works with schools, parks & recreation departments, private clubs, camps and other youth-centric organizations in 21 counties in central Virginia to grow tennis using the QuickStart Tennis format.
Through its STEP UP for QuickStart! Initiative QCV organizes groups of parents and volunteers to grow QuickStart Tennis in specific areas or at specific schools.
QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia is an all-volunteer, grassroots Community Tennis Association established in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to promote, develop and grow QuickStart Tennis in 21 counties and one independent city in Central Virginia for all beginners, especially underserved youth.
QCV’s Service Area includes Albemarle, Amelia, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Culpeper, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Fluvanna, Greene, Greensville, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Mecklenburg, Nelson, Nottoway, Orange, Prince Edward, Powhatan and Rappahannock counties and the City of Charlottesville.
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Pretty excited about this, but there are “public” courts at WAHS. How is the funding for this gonna play out? Is it going to compete with the dome for the pool or was that already completed?
Yes but these would be the first “public” courts IN the Crozet growth area that are actually walkable or you could ride your bike there. WAHS courts are very busy and reserved quite a bit and on the other side of 250 outside the growth area . The other advantage of this location is there are many other groups that already use the park. One child could be at swim practice, the other down with Peachtree while another can take tennis lessons all at the same location.
This will not compete with the dome project or the remodeling of the community building but compliment it. The project is part of the master plan for the Crozet Park. We are quite excited that Quick Start Tennis of Central VA has chosen to work with the park. The park is now a member of the United States Tennis Association (USTA) and will be able to apply for grants from them to help build the courts.