CCAC Meeting 16 November – Land Use, Growth, Politics

Lots on the agenda.


Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


  1. Agenda Review (David Stoner -CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Residential development pipeline, patterns, and zoning/proposed land use (Elaine Echols – 45 min)
  4. Net v. Gross Density Calculations &Policy (ElaineEchols–15min)
  5. Discuss Focus Areas Priorities (All–45min)
    (Focus area liaisons please come with thoughts on “top 3-4” priorities/goals/actions)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. AnnouncementsDCI/Milestone Crozet Plaza Design Open House – Dec 8, 5-8pm, Piedmont Place
  8. Future Agenda Items


From Dave Stoner’s email to the CCAC:

In addition to the presentation & discussions lead by Elaine, I think we’ll finally have some time to discuss what we think the CCAC’s “top 3” priorities/goals/actions should be for each focus area, as we actioned a couple meetings ago. Once again, would focus area liaisons please think about that between now and next week, and come prepared to discuss those (or better yet circulate your suggestions in advance)? I attach the updated focus areas and liaison list, FYI. I’d also suggest you each review the implementation section of the Master Plan as that’s a good, albeit dated, list of priority “to do’s” in each of these areas, and our thoughts on these priorities might help outline ideas for the future Master Plan update.

Necessary background on the CCAC liaisons and focus areas.

And here.


Liaisons’ roles PDF

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