CCAC Meeting 13 March 2019 | Traffic, Recycling, Master Plan

Via email. Who’s going, and able to either tweet, or write a recap for the blog? #CCAC0319

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. CCAC 2019 – 2020 Officer Elections
  4. Recycling in Western Albemarle (Trudy Brement, Emma-Caroline Avery, and Maren Eanes, Henley Middle School – 20 min)
  5. Crozet Traffic and Transportation Updates (Joel DeNunzio, VDOT – 40min)
  6. Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Transportation (Andrew Knuppel – 20 min)
    1. Review the first 7 pages of the Transportation Plan
  7. Albemarle County Budget Review: Crozet CIP Commitments (Ann Mallek–10min)
  8. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  9. Announcements

10. Future Agenda Items

o Pleasant Green/West Glen Stream Crossing SUP Amendment (April)
o Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)

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