Crozet Mural at Parkway Pharmacy

So cool to have this in Crozet. Huge thanks to all involved!

From the press release

June 1, 2019 Crozet, VA — after a year-long study of the Crozet community, 5th grade students from Brownsville Elementary will unveil an 11×50 ft. community mural on the side wall of Parkway Pharmacy in downtown Crozet.

A very special group of 5th graders from Brownsville Elementary have completed a year-long community project to celebrate the diversity of their school community. Inspired by Phil James’s book, Secrets of the Blue Ridge, students learned of the rich history of Crozet, and more specifically, about the communities old and new that surround Brownsville Elementary. Fifth grade teacher, Susan Greenwood, states, “Learning about the history of our community has had a profound impact on student relationships, which has created a more positive learning environment. The realization that our school community’s strength comes from students whose families have been in Crozet for generations and those who have moved into the area within the last ten years; has dramatically changed students’ attitudes towards each other.” This project has culminated into a beautiful mural created by Ms. Greenwood’s 5th grade class that will be unveiled on the wall of Parkway Pharmacy in downtown Crozet on June 1, 2019.

Early support and guidance from Charlottesville Mural Project (a project of The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative), and grant support from Red Light Management have made this project a reality. Local artist, Sam Gray, has taken student ideas and drawings and created a cohesive mural that represents Crozet’s history. The mural was painted by the 5th grade students. The Charlottesville Mural Project enjoys ongoing support from The FUNd at CACF, Tom Tom Festival, Piedmont Paint & Finish, and Legacy Video Service, and Blue Ridge Builder Supply.

Students will present their mural to the Crozet community during a completion celebration on Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 12:00 pm at the Parkway Pharmacy, 5771 The Square, Crozet, VA 22932.

About The Artist, Sam Gray: Sam is an artist, illustrator, and freelance graphic designer. Her work spans various media from painting and drawing to printing and ceramics, but throughout it all she often features a confluence of people and nature. She was born and raised in Northern Virginia and studied graphic design at the University of Georgia, graduating summa cum laude in 2012. After a soul-crushing design studio internship, Sam traveled internationally for a year and a half. During those travels she volunteered on organic farms and reconnected with nature through communing with the wild, growing plants, and caring for animals. In 2016 she became an Incubator Artist at the McGuffey Art Center and is now a full member. She has shown her work in many solo and group exhibitions in Charlottesville as well as completing murals in Central Virginia and abroad including her work on the Tom Tom Festival art bus in 2018.

209 Monticello Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902 – (434) 218-2060 –

ABOUT THE BRIDGE PROGRESSIVE ARTS INITIATIVEThe Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative ?is a cultural hub for Charlottesville offering an inclusive space for creative thinking and artistic pursuits while providing resources and methodology for meaningful arts engagement throughout the community?. Our mission is to bridge diverse communities through the arts. More information can be found at our website – ? or by following us on ?Facebook?.

ABOUT THE CHARLOTTESVILLE MURAL PROJECT: The CMP incorporates community perspectives to showcase the talents of artists locally, regionally and abroad, while contributing to the cultural and visual vibrancy of the city. We partner with painters, illustrators, photographers, graphic designers–even poets and writers! We also believe it’s important to inspire people of all ages with creative, public art projects. By involving the public in projects that visibly change the landscape of our city, we help instill a sense of pride and involvement in the community. Additionally, murals are a great way to encourage teamwork and artistic expression. More information can be found at our website – ? and by following us on ?Instagram

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