February CCAC Recap – Comprehensive Plan

Thanks to Crozet Gazette for the recording.

A Few Takeaways

(there’s a lot of value in live-tweeting, but I’m finding great value in noting the meeting along with timed links to the video)

update: PDFs.

How we grow has been broken for a long, long time.

But … We are going to grow. Period.

What are the direct consequences of growth? Limiting growth? What are the unintended consequences? We are not going to stop growing. Stop allowing people to move here? It’s America! What are the consequences when we reach some arbitrary “hard” population limit? Draw straws to see who moves out? Restrict pregnancies? Arguing from the extreme is but one step. Recognizing the extreme and negotiating from there is where successes can be gained.

Shutting down development is not a viable solution – it is reactionary, unnecessarily and unreasonably extreme. Permitting unfettered growth is equally unreasonable.

  • I’ve been writing for years that we need to think generationally. This is from 2016.

A great place – between Park Ridge and Hill Top – that would be an ideal spot for no cars, and only people on foot or scooter or bicycle

A great place - between Park Ridge and Hill Top - that would be an ideal spot for no cars, and only people on foot or scooter or bicycle

Just me finding a fun new tool in WordPress.

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One Reply to “February CCAC Recap – Comprehensive Plan”

  1. I don’t (and won’t) attend these meetings. I don’t need the blood pressure spike. Listening to the video eats just as much of my time. As you say: This is America. If you own land, you are allowed to develop it. If you don’t like that aspect of capitalism there are other countries. Zoning is critical so pay attention to it. Crozet is a county growth area. Accept that or move to somewhere in the county that isn’t. If we want better infrastructure, we must pay for it. Taxes, fees, or both. Make use of the damn rail line for people!

Something to say?