25 MPH on Crozet Avenue

Recently, you might or might not have noticed that the speed limit on Crozet Avenue changed, from Oak Drive (sort of near the cemetery) to Parkview Drive (Western Ridge). There didn’t seem to be any official announcement, and I’ve gotten a bunch of questions about it, so I asked VDOT, and they quickly responded. I added the link to the code below.

VDOT recently extended the 25 MPH speed limit on Route 240 between Oak Drive and Parkview Drive.

A speed study was conducted in mid-September as a result of a citizen request to the Albemarle County Police Department. VDOT traffic engineers analyzed the results and determined the road met the requirement of Virginia Code §46.2-874 to set the maximum speed limit at 25 MPH due to the density of the commercial and residential development and the multiple pedestrian facilities and crossings along Route 240.

The speed limit extension was approved and implemented in mid-October. The changes are intended to slow traffic down to improve safety for everyone including pedestrians and bicyclists. There are advanced warning signs of the 25 MPH speed limit near Oak Drive and Parkview Drive to notify drivers of the speed limit before it begins.

VDOT traffic engineers recently reviewed the signing plan for the extension and will be installing an additional 25 MPH sign on westbound Route 240 near Union Mission Lane.  (near Starr Hill)

Now … about bike lanes and sidewalks …


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4 Replies to “25 MPH on Crozet Avenue”

  1. If one Citizen complaint can cause this, then multiple complaints should be able to change it back. It is all part of the area becoming urban…

  2. Really??, Is that really true? At 25 MPH it is that dangerous? You are talking about sections of road that have been at 35 MPH for the last 50 years or so.
    The ditches have not gotten any deeper either…

Something to say?