Neither of these is (or should be) a surprise to Crozetians.
Background (please take the time to read these as well)
- Crozet Park’s Expanded Facility Doesn’t Threaten Crozet’s “Greenspace”
- Crozet Park Proposed Huge Addition
- As I wrote in November 2021, “My thought remains – This facility being built was a foregone conclusion; building it without commensurate building of supporting bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure is negligent.” The commitment to cars is absurd.
via email
PROJECT LEAD REVIEWER: Andy Reitelbach [email protected]
PROJECT: SDP202300010 Claudius Crozet Park – Initial Site Plan
TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 056A2010007200; 056A20100072A0; 056A20400000A4
LOCATION: 1075 Claudius Crozet Park, Crozet, Virginia 22932
PROPOSAL: Request for approval of an initial site plan to construct a community center, with a fitness center, pool, and meeting space, along with additional parking spaces and pedestrian connections, on three parcels that total approximately 22.806 acres. No dwelling units proposed. In accordance with approved special use permit SP202000016.
ZONING: RA, Rural Areas – agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots); and R-6 Residential – 6 units/acre
OVERLAY DISTRICT(S): EC – Entrance Corridor; Steep Slopes – Managed; Steep Slopes – Preserved
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Public Land – public parks, open space, environmental features; in the Community of Crozet Master Plan area.
My comment on Twitter last year

Reminder that the Special Use Permit for Crozet Park changes were approved in November 2021.

Timeline, as provided by Andy Reitelbach with the County
Review comments will be available from County staff and partner agencies around March 23rd, and final action (either approving or denying the initial site plan) must be taken by staff by April 7th.
Once an initial site plan has been approved, a final site plan must also be submitted for review and approval before construction could commence.
Continue reading “Bigger Crozet Park & More of Old Trail”