2015 was. I despise “top 10” type posts, but looking back can be a useful exercise.
Growth and development continue to be huge issues, Downtown Crozet’s redevelopment begins anew, the Crozet Library celebrated two years, WAHS got a new principal, Brownsville’s principal moved mid-year, the CCAC meetings were informative as always. I know I say this often, but the boring meetings are where things happen … months and months before most people get informed enough to get up in arms. Being a good citizen is time-consuming, and worth it.
Thank you to everyone who reads, lurks, comments, subscribes, here and on the ever-growing RealCrozetVA Facebook page/community. Y’all make Crozet a great place to live.
January (13 Posts)
- Jobs in Crozet? – this was a good, and important, and ongoing discussion
- Foothill Crossing rezoning
- Pigs flew; Safe Routes to School was funded
- Rounding up some of the facebook posts
- When do homes come on the market in Crozet?
- Where are the walkable homes in Crozet?
- January’s CCAC meeting was well attended
February (17 posts)
- Looking at some Facebook posts
- Deep look at real estate assessed values in Crozet; this was a useful post and I suspect I’ll do it again this year.
- Crozet Elementary Safe Routes to School were planned to start soon
- Greenwood Community Center is wonderful
- The February CCAC meeting was interesting as always
- Steve Landes got a challenger (spoiler: he still won reelection)
- Ann Mallek ran for reelection (unopposed, and won)
- Great discussion on buses to and from Charlottesville
- ArtFest in the West was a success
- WAHS’ principal abruptly resigned (we got a better one)
March (12 posts)
- Crozet Trails Crew had big goals for 2015; they remain a remarkable asset for the Crozet community.
- The Westlake Hills neighborhood (behind Westhall, ultimately connecting to Foothills Crossing) broke ground
- Big summary of some Facebook posts
- The bridge downtown was hit; it’s been reported as being hit 7 times in 5 years.
- Awesome graphic showing the growth of businesses in Crozet from 2000 to 2015
- Great list of places in Crozet to volunteer
- There are a lot of hungry kids at Crozet schools; you can help.
April (8 posts)
- The WAHS Honor Council was abruptly disbanded with no public discussion
- The Crozet Gazette was, as always, chock full of good information.
- April’s CCAC meeting – new developments, old train station discussion. basement of Crozet Library and more.
- Some of April’s facebook posts
May (15 posts)
- Kelly Turkey farm came to Crozet
- The Crozet summer camp list; anyone feel like adding to it?
- The Crozet Cycling Club was born, and grew (more to come)
- Crozet Pizza’s Bob Crum passed away
June (10 posts)
- Crozet Town Hall about the redevelopment of Downtown/Barnes Lumber
- 3 new businesses came to downtown Crozet
- Again, the Crozet Gazette was awesome
- More on the Crozet Town Hall
- Remember Uncle Charlie’s and Kokopelli’s?
July (10 posts)
- Jarmans Gap realized its usefulness as a major (community) connector)
- Chipotle didn’t come to Crozet; Burrit-oh!, a Chipotle clone did
- July on the RealCrozetVA Facebook
- David and I launched the Crozet Real Estate Conversation
- The Crozet Artisan Depot + Adventure Center opened in the old train depot/library
- DaLuca’s closed; replaced by Public seafood
- The July CCAC meeting; more meetings with developers, talk of expanding the growth area
August (7 posts)

- Why do you like being a kid in Crozet? (I love this post!)
- The wildflowers remain one of my favorite things about 2015
- August CCAC meeting; so much happened in this meeting – click through and read the summary at least
- Crozet Park got funding for its perimeter trail; the rejuvenation of the Crozet Park community/board is a highlight of 2015
September (12 posts)

- The Crozet Community Association had a rejuvenation/resurgence; this is a very good thing
- The 4th Annual Crozet Culinary Competition at the Lodge in Old Trail was a ton of fun
- Some of September’s facebook posts
- Brownsville Elementary is near capacity.
- September’s CCAC meeting; first look at the coming Piedmont Place
- 10 year anniversary of RealCrozetVA
- The Crozet community found a stolen bike; I love that the community responded as it did
- We all studied what was on the ballot, right?
October (11 posts)
- Brownsville had a great candidate forum with the school board candidates
- Crozet Real Estate Conversation – 3rd Quarter market update
- We truly live in a beautiful place
- The Crozet Cycling Club got kits!
- October CCAC meeting – infrastructure, downtown and more
November (13 posts)
- Lots of ways to stay informed in/about Crozet
- Crozet area election results
- The Crozet Cycling Club grew
- Yet another hotel attempt in Crozet
- The CCA meeting was interesting; also, there are trains in Crozet that run.
- Greenhouse Coffee celebrated 5 years
- Brownsville’s principal left mid-year. This still irks me that no more questions were raised about this timing; central office could have waited.
December (14 posts)
- Some of the December facebook posts
- Crozet Dog Park opened
- Piedmont Place broke ground
- Old Trail seeks downzoning + wants to remove a road
- Crozet Gazette was great again
- I got irritated by the rumble strip that destroyed a bike lane on 240
- WAHS Robotics competed at UVA
- CCAC December; new developments cause consternation and I wish Crozetians would get involved when things impacted all of Crozet and not just in their own backyard.